Neath Great September Fair 2018
If you’ve missed Neath Fair this year, enjoy some or the sights as photographed by Mike Davies Photos by Mike Davies. Click on link below for his youtube coverage
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Ed1 contributed a whooping 633 entries.
If you’ve missed Neath Fair this year, enjoy some or the sights as photographed by Mike Davies Photos by Mike Davies. Click on link below for his youtube coverage
The last tournament game of the season for Resolven Ladies’ Bowls Club turned out to be a spellbinding one. Carwen Thomas faced her daughter Ceri Holmes in the Four Woods Final in an attempt to become Club Champion for the first time. Carwen was a founder member of the club in 1986.and she became treasurer […]
A Report on the Annual Meeting of Resolfen History Society The attendance was rather sparse in this year’s Annual Meeting with only 13 members in attendance. The Chairman, Mr Gwyn Thomas drew attention to the fact that even the Society President was absent owing to a long term medical condition and hoped that he would […]
Resolven Community Council held a Flag Raising Ceremony at the Community Centre to observe and honour Merchant Navy Day. Chairman of Resolven Community Council Aylwin Jones was joined by deputy chairman Alun Morgan, past Chairman Trefor Jones, Clerk to the Council Cheryl Payne and the Rev. Fortunato Santos from Sardis Baptist Church. Chairman Aylwin […]
I thought readers might like to see these images. I had known about the fields of sunflowers at Rhossili Bay, and as the days and weather are changing I decided to go and see what all the fuss was about, The flowers were starting to go over but nevertheless a superb sight to behold, I […]
Just to let you know that it is Merchant Navy Day on Monday 3rd September, and at 11 am we will be holding a Flag Hoisting Ceremony at the Community Centre in Resolven. If you know anyone who was or is in the Merchant Navy they are welcome to attend. Cheryl Payne (Clerk to […]
Work in progress on new Vale of Neath Health Centre Photo by MIKE DAVIES—-25th August , 2018 ,
Resolven District News would be delighted to see pictures of your gardens in full bloom. Kathleen Evans starts us off off with a lovely display in her garden .in Resolven Why not add your own pics to our 2018 SUMMER GALLERY by emailng us at:,uk and attaching the photos […]
I went for a walk along the local canal as I knew the swans were building a nest. The male gets the reeds from the canal and hands it over for the female to make the nest. I left them alone to carry on their duty, The female lays up to seven eggs between […]
May began with a trip to see the newly opened Trago Mills Store in Merthyr – what an enormous shop which seemed to sell everything! We all enjoyed a good browse followed by a bite to eat in the cafe. We all went home laden with goodies we never even knew we wanted! […]
A rainbow opposite the rising sun over the A465 at Resolven. This is an image not often seen as there was no rain to form a rainbow the following text from Google: “A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing […]
Resolven Ladies Bowls Club faced Glynneath Ladies last week in the annual Shield game and walked off the green as winners. As usual, there was an extra special bowls tea afterwards. The event serves a double purpose. It is played as a West Glamorgan League game […]