Captured at Sunset by Ruth Davies

IMAGES BY RUTH DAVIES (Mike’s daughter)
IMAGES BY RUTH DAVIES (Mike’s daughter)
I must firstly thank all the people who thanked me for the recent comments of mine on RDN about the state of the Clydach Brook wall. I was also shown a section of the wall behind the Indian restaurant that has totally collapsed and been washed away. .I’m pleased to see a great response from Councillor Dean Lewis and let us hope the much needed work goes ahead.
As for having to provide evidence that the low level of the bridge has caused flooding in the past ,we should not be concerned about the past but trying to protect the village from potential flooding due to completely different heavy rains that we see affecting the whole of the country .
£!.7 million Valleys and Villages Prosperity Fund
I read with interest the fact that there is a 1.7 million pounds Fund that can be applied for a list of things. .I think this is a great opportunity for our Community Council to apply for funding on a number of projects that I think would benefit the people of the village.
Number one would be for people that have to use wheelchairs or disability scooters and mothers with pushchairs to be able to have the same access as the rest of of us.. By this I mean ramps- disabled ramps constructed at the bridge where the wall has collapsed. This would be of great benefit to a lot of residents. The only way to get from one side of the bridge to the other if you have a scooter is to go all the way round passed the Chemist (how nice if it’s raining).
Number two is along the same lines-for ease of access. .I can’t for the life of me think why we should put up with that monstrosity of a railway bridge at the top of Rugby Road and the obstacle it causes to people especially the ones I have just mentioned. (Only less than a mile away by the cemetery there are two gates to open to cross the line there.) .
If the railway bridge in the village can’t be removed, let’s have two gates and a footpath put there. I am sure the people crossing the path would look out for the one train we might get every 20 years or so.!!
Number three would be be the tarmacking of Woodlands Terrace and Nant- y-Gleisiad These roads are in a terrible state of repair. In the past the council say they can’t surface them because they are private roads. The residents of these roads pay the same rates as the rest of us so I see no reason why they should not have a decent road to walk along. Many years ago the lane from the Scout.Hut to the railway bridge was tarmacked so it can be done
.These are just a few things that I would like to see done.
So, come on people of Resolven !
Put your ideas forward before Glynneath gets all the money.
J.R. Geary
Resolven view from Pentwyn Hill
Message from Councillor Dean Lewis
-Below is the update I requested last week from NPT officers
“The preliminary repairs have been undertaken by NWRs contractor and our Engineers have been on site to monitor the works. The void under the wall has been filled but there is more work to be done on the spillway.
The contractor is starting to pull off site as they haven’t been able to do much work over the last couple of weeks due to water levels. The plan is for them to come back in April to finish off the works.
With regards to the wall itself we have asked the contractor to undertake some devegetation works which they have partially completed but they will finish on their return. We will also look to undertake some repointing & rebidding of any loose stones after the main works have been completed.
Before NWR complete their works on site we will undertake a full structural survey to make sure nothing is missed.
With regards to raising the height of the steel parapet this will have to be raised with Network Rail as they own the bridge. If they are willing to raise the parapet and they have funding they will need to get permission from CADW as it is a grade II listed structure. This may be problematical from dealing we have had with CADW regarding our own structures. As part of the evidence we will have to supply documentation to prove that the river has over topped at this location and caused flooding.”
A Report on the November meeting of Resolven History Society
November often proves a dismal month and it is no surprise that many cultures respond by firework displays to dispel the dark evenings before Christmas decorations illuminate the scene. Indeed , the weather has been so inclement that an occasional Christmas tree was in a window as the last of Guy’s fireworks rained down. On a rather wet evening a small but interested group came together to hear Mr Keith Tucker of Neath Antiquarians , conclude his pictorial tour of Neath and its environs through a historical lens.
Mr Tucker began with a photograph of local industrialist and early photographer, Dillwyn Llewelyn, who along with the Fox Talbot’s of Margam, was among the early developers of photography. He then took the audience on a fascinating tour of Neath and its vale, with photos emanating from the quite recent to the 1890s. Inevitably, the audience tried to add to the explanations of Mr Tucker and they were frequently incorrect or inspired, in turn.
Before the commencement of his talk, Mr Tucker explained that it was currently the centenary of Neath Antiquarians. To celebrate, they had produced an immense tome titled the “The Neath Antiquarian, Volume IV”. The cost of the book which runs to over 500 pages was huge, but with the help of a local authority grant, this was reduced greatly and would be a fabulous Christmas present, especially as it is a limited edition of only 300 copies. It is available from the Mechanics Institute in Neath .
Mr David Woodham thanked Mr Tucker for a memorable talk, and hoped he would return in the future to address the Society.
Trefor Jones.
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The Annual Service of Remembrance is held to pay tribute to all those who gave their lives serving their Country. The 2023 Service, organised by Resolven Community Council, was conducted for the first time by the Rev. Julian Jenkins, who is a retired Clergy.
The Service was held at 10.30am at the St David’s Church Hall in the centre of the village.
After the short service inside the Church Hall, the congregation moved outside to continue the Remembrance service, joining a large crowd who, despite the rain, had gathered around the War Memorial.
Ms Karen Cartlidge has played the ‘Last Post’ at the Resolven and the Clyne Remembrance Services for over 40 years and had again, this year, travelled a long distance to do so.
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Photographs at Resolven taken by Hugh Lewis, Natasha Williams and Mahmet Ali Mavis
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The Remembrance Service at Clyne was held at 12.00 midday
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
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01 November 2023
The UK SPF Valleys and Villages Prosperity Fund ‘Open Call for Projects’ is now live – £1.7m funding programme to revitalise Neath Port Talbot’s valleys and villages is now open – NPT News.
NEATH Port Talbot Council is inviting project proposals to its Valleys and Villages Prosperity Fund (VVPF).
The £1.7m VVPF is part funded by the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) and is part of Neath Port Talbot’s £27.3m SPF funding allocation over the next three years.
The VVPF aims to address the decline in rural communities throughout Neath Port Talbot, particularly the reduced demand for high street retail and increased demand for housing, recreational and active travel projects.
Targeted areas include the Neath Valley, Afan Valley, Swansea Valley, Upper Amman Valley and Dulais Valley.
The VVPF aims to have a positive impact on key issues for the county borough including job creation, health and wellbeing, pride of place and economic growth.
The deadline for expressions of interest is 31st December 2023 and all projects must be completed by 31st December 2024. Applicants can apply for up to 70% of their total, eligible project costs, up to a maximum of £250,000.
Project proposals could include:
Potential applicants can find more information, including the VVPF Applicant Guidance and an Expression of Interest Form on this webpage – UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Open Call for Applications to the Valleys and Villages Prosperity Fund (VVPF) – Neath Port Talbot Council (
For an informal discussion on any project proposals, please email or telephone 01639 686073.
The VVPF has been established as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to target areas of Neath Port Talbot which do not fall into other funding categories such as the Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns initiative.
Cllr Jeremy Hurley, Neath Port Talbot Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Economic Growth, said: “The VVPF will bridge the gap in funding across the county borough so people are not missing out on funding opportunities.
“It will make a big contribution to the improvement of the valleys and villages areas of Neath Port Talbot, making them a better place to live and work. It will also help meet the demand for commercial and residential units in areas where these are wanted.
“The VVPF will directly support the delivery of the council’s Wellbeing Objectives as well as the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. Under this scheme, our valley communities will benefit from improvements made to their villages, that will help with the creation of new local jobs and an improved perception of place.”
Potential applicants who will be eligible to apply for grant funding for their project proposals will include owners of vacant commercial premises, land owners, town and community councils, local authorities, business improvement districts, and social businesses.
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