Whit Sunday – Marching Through Time

As a child growing up in the village of Resolven
I have special memories of the Whitsun Marching and Whitsun Tea
When all the Chapels and the Church came together
to show their faith in Christianity
The British Christian tradition of Whitsun
is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter
It is believed to be the birth of Christian beliefs and values
by many a Pentecostal Theology teacher
On that particular Sunday, I always woke early, excited about the day
The sun was usually shining; the rain just seemed to stay away
My new outfit faced me, hanging neatly and ready to wear
A new pair of shoes still boxed, were sitting silently on the chair
My pink lace gloves took pride of place, on my dressing table
Completing my look of being stylish, but obviously presentable

This was a calendar highlight for all denominations, and such an unique day
Eager volunteers were ready to serve all the goodies on display
Tea was prepared with all the best white china on show
Cups and saucers all lined up in an organised row.
Every religious abode was now ready, as members unite
The cleverly embroidered tablecloths starched and brightly white
The long tables and benches placed so that everyone sat together
The old boiler for hot water, dusted off (not used since last December)
The lady members had worked hard to make the tea a delight
And now felt ready and able to join in the marching, and be in sight
So with new hats put on in a hurry, they rushed up to the school yard
With just minutes to go, they managed to be there at the start!

The school yard was crowded, everybody trying to get to their place
The sound of someone singing, is he a tenor or maybe a bass?
The organisation was not easy, but it never failed to get done
Each Group was first one year, the last the next year, taking turns to be number one
There were eight in total of the Chapels/Churches in the village at that particular time
Each one equally important and an integral part of the procession line
Sometimes a faithful member carried their particular Chapel Banner, and for the Church a Cross
Proudly making a statement which the occasion made easy to endorse

We all started walking and some maybe talking to a fellow friend
As we reached the Square, we turned slowly around the bend
Commercial Road ahead, the hymn singing was louder than before
“Look down Cory Street, there’s Grantley standing at Trevor the Barber’s door!”
Many a time, the schedule of re-surfacing the road with Tarmac seemed to be on cue
Because when the sun was strong and bright, it melted, and stuck to your shoes like glue
We would stop outside a chapel member’s home who maybe due to illness had stayed away
And sing a hymn or two to remind them that their presence was missed more than words could say
We finished our walk through the village then onto our chapel vestry or church for the tea
Where sandwiches, trifle and home made cakes was a wonderful sight to see
We sometimes brought our own spoons marked with coloured wool or string
Which was a necessity that gave to us (as children) a sense of belonging
The Whitsun Marching and Whitsun Tea are sadly for many, days gone by
But for those who experienced it, will always be remembered with perhaps a little sigh!
It’s a poignant reminder that nothing stays the same, and life changes whatever
But those are special memories, and meant to be treasured forever

Thanks to everyone who contributed photographs
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Written & Compiled by Lorna & Hugh Lewis
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