Carriageway Surface Dressing -Abergarwed
Information on road works from NPT Council
We are scheduled to be carrying out Surface Dressing Carriageway works on the B4242 Neath Road, Abergarwed with the programme expected to commence on the 01.08.2020 for four days pending weather and plant breakdowns.
The first two days 01.08.2020 – 02.08.2020 will consist of applying the first coat of bitumen and chippings, after an initial sweep the contractor will return to apply the ‘seal’ part of the treatment on the 05.08 & 06.08 which is an emulsion spray that goes onto the first coat to lock in the chippings, this is usually a very fast process and is usually drivable on after around 30 minutes (weather temperature dependent).
The works will be under stop/go traffic management and delays should be expected/anticipate.
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