W.I. Harvest Celebration
On Wednesday 2nd October Ynysfach WI joined with our neighbouring WIs, Crynant and Glynneath, for a Harvest Celebration. St David’s Church Hall looked most welcoming with, flower arrangements in autumn colours, carved and decorated pumpkins and a wonderful harvest loaf made by Jean Wilson of Crynant WI.
We were welcomed to the meeting by Beverley Boyd of Glynneath WI.
She lead us through our harvest themed songs, poems and readings, performed by members from each WI. It was a most enjoyable, nostalgic and thought- provoking selection. The harvest hymns so well remembered from school – though who knew they were in such a high key!

There followed an array of refreshments, with plenty of tea and cake. An Autumn quiz kept everyone busy and we all voted for our favourite pumpkin, the winner was Erica Evans of Ynysfach WI.

The raffle was drawn for the donated prizes of a fruit and veg basket, an M&S voucher and a beauty bath set.
Members from all three WIs contributed to a collection for the local food bank.
Thanks to their generosity we were able to deliver a huge quantity of tinned and dried goods to the Resolven Foodbank. They were delighted with our valuable contribution to their work.

We all had a lovely meeting, so nice to spend time with our friends from Crynant and Glynneath to share news and laughter.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 16th October at 2pm in the Church Hall.
Our speaker will be from Thrive Womens’ Aid based in Port Talbot.
If you are interested in seeing what our group is all about why not come along? Visitors are always welcome!
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Article by Jenny Colley
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