Unusual Sightings in Resolven
A cold but sunny Sunday on the 11th October 2020 gave the residents of Resolven an afternoon of two unexpected and unusual sightings

The first, at 2.45 p.m. seen clearly due to the very good visibility of the day, and against a background of vivid blue skies and the occasional fluffy white cloud was a colourful hot air balloon drifting slowly and silently high up in the sky, down the valley.
This lovely view of this giant balloon produced feelings of envy because the occupants had chosen the perfect autumn day for their ride in a hot air balloon and the views of the village and the valley must have been really spectacular and special.

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A short while later, when the balloon had long disappeared behind a cloud, the silence of the afternoon was broken by a whirring sound which got louder and louder and suddenly overhead, an impressive red Wales Air Ambulance helicopter landed in the middle of the Vaughan field to the amazement and excited delight of the many children in the playground and the skate park. The noise also brought all the residents out of their homes to see this sudden appearance.

Apparently this was brought about by an incident that had occurred nearby on the A465 dual carriageway.

The Wales Air Ambulance helicopter seen closely is a wonderful sight and reminds us of the amazing work that they do and how fortunate we are to have such a facility available to us.
The main reason, of course, for the presence of the Wales Air Ambulance is a serious matter attending incidents and accidents that require specialist and immediate attention. They can arrive quickly, anywhere in Wales within 20 minutes, to provide expert care and transport for patients in need.
It is hoped that the incident they attended on 11th October was resolved without serious consequences.

The Wales Air Ambulance is entirely funded by donations to keep them flying and to help the NHS.

The helicopter then remained stationery until a person returned and after a short while, after safety measures were observed, it took off again leaving the park and the people returning to their ‘normal’ quiet Sunday afternoon.
Every year The Wales Air Ambulance need to raise £6.5 million in donations to keep the four helicopters flying over Wales.
To donate ring 0300 0152 999
or click on the link below
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