President Carwen Entertains Lady Bowlers

Every year, bowlers and guests representing all the clubs in West Glamorgan Ladie’s Bowls Association meet for a match and a celebration dinner courtesy of the President. This year the event was held on the 9th of August in Resolven on Carwen’s home green.

The weather didn’t match the occasion thought! It poured down for most of the afternoon. But bowlers are made of sterling stuff. They enjoyed a chinwag with old friends and a glass of wine and also melt- in the- mouth nibbles made by Ceri, Carwen’s daughter. Then everyone walked over to Cam Gears Club and had a rip-roaring time competing in the skittle alley

The meal that followed was delicious and much enjoyed by everyone

Then, to top it all off, Carwen’s son, opera singer Lee arrived and in his lovely tenor voice, sang a selection of songs from musicals chosen by his mother.

Carwen with daughter Ceri and son Lee

Carwen wirt her team Resolven Ladies, who say “Well done Madam President!”