Comments from an RDN Reader

I must firstly thank all the people who thanked me for the recent comments of mine on RDN about the state of the Clydach Brook wall. I was also shown a section of the wall behind the Indian restaurant that has totally collapsed and been washed away. .I’m pleased to see a great response from Councillor Dean Lewis and let us hope the much needed work goes ahead.
As for having to provide evidence that the low level of the bridge has caused flooding in the past ,we should not be concerned about the past but trying to protect the village from potential flooding due to completely different heavy rains that we see affecting the whole of the country .
£!.7 million Valleys and Villages Prosperity Fund
I read with interest the fact that there is a 1.7 million pounds Fund that can be applied for a list of things. .I think this is a great opportunity for our Community Council to apply for funding on a number of projects that I think would benefit the people of the village.
Number one would be for people that have to use wheelchairs or disability scooters and mothers with pushchairs to be able to have the same access as the rest of of us.. By this I mean ramps- disabled ramps constructed at the bridge where the wall has collapsed. This would be of great benefit to a lot of residents. The only way to get from one side of the bridge to the other if you have a scooter is to go all the way round passed the Chemist (how nice if it’s raining).
Number two is along the same lines-for ease of access. .I can’t for the life of me think why we should put up with that monstrosity of a railway bridge at the top of Rugby Road and the obstacle it causes to people especially the ones I have just mentioned. (Only less than a mile away by the cemetery there are two gates to open to cross the line there.) .
If the railway bridge in the village can’t be removed, let’s have two gates and a footpath put there. I am sure the people crossing the path would look out for the one train we might get every 20 years or so.!!
Number three would be be the tarmacking of Woodlands Terrace and Nant- y-Gleisiad These roads are in a terrible state of repair. In the past the council say they can’t surface them because they are private roads. The residents of these roads pay the same rates as the rest of us so I see no reason why they should not have a decent road to walk along. Many years ago the lane from the Scout.Hut to the railway bridge was tarmacked so it can be done
.These are just a few things that I would like to see done.
So, come on people of Resolven !
Put your ideas forward before Glynneath gets all the money.
J.R. Geary

Resolven view from Pentwyn Hill