Closure of The Resolven Branch of The Royal British Legion

The Constitution of the Royal British Legion is such that if a Branch membership falls to less than seven members it has to close, unfortunately the Resolven Branch has now fallen to just six members and the Constitution further states, that there must be a Committee of seven members. Enquiries have been made to increase the membership but despite these enquiries, no new members were recruited and the Branch has now sadly commenced the procedure for closure and is now dysfunctional.
The outgoing Committee are extremely grateful for the wonderful support they received from both the residents and retail outlets in Resolven and District for donating £7125.93 towards the Poppy Appeal during the eight year tenure of the Branch. In addition, the Branch are also grateful to Father Andrew Davies and other Church members who made a very significant contribution to the Armistice Service each year. Finally the Branch wish to thank the Resolven Rugby and Cricket Club for allowing them to use their Club facilities as the Branch Headquarters.
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