Resolven History Society AGM

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Proposed Road Works on B4242 Glynneath Road
Notice given by Neath Port Talbot Council

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NPTCBC Bank Holiday Collections

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Tŷ Banc Canal Festival
Ty Banc Canal Festival on August Bank Holiday Saturday and Sunday, both days 12-8pm. Join in and have fun getting into #1canal1community with activities like tossing ducks, icing cakes, sing, making puppets, local history, petting speciality sheep and many more! Let us know if what you want to do and taking turn showing off your talent in cooking, games and musical talent. Please fill in the form, to take part and get food and drink vouchers. Share to friends and family to come and enjoy the festivity with non-profit affordable food and drinks, like a big community BBQ party with live music and games!

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President Carwen Entertains Lady Bowlers

Every year, bowlers and guests representing all the clubs in West Glamorgan Ladie’s Bowls Association meet for a match and a celebration dinner courtesy of the President. This year the event was held on the 9th of August in Resolven on Carwen’s home green.

The weather didn’t match the occasion thought! It poured down for most of the afternoon. But bowlers are made of sterling stuff. They enjoyed a chinwag with old friends and a glass of wine and also melt- in the- mouth nibbles made by Ceri, Carwen’s daughter. Then everyone walked over to Cam Gears Club and had a rip-roaring time competing in the skittle alley

The meal that followed was delicious and much enjoyed by everyone

Then, to top it all off, Carwen’s son, opera singer Lee arrived and in his lovely tenor voice, sang a selection of songs from musicals chosen by his mother.

Carwen with daughter Ceri and son Lee

Carwen wirt her team Resolven Ladies, who say “Well done Madam President!”
Ride Along The River

Ruth Davies, daughter of our late and much missed photographer Mike, is following in his footsteps. This week she has been exploring our valley on her new bike-following the river and canal from Cadoxton to Tonna.


Rain did not dampen the Challenge of the day
Many braved the elements on Sunday 30 July, 2023 to participate in the Celebration Tournament marking 91 years of flat green bowling with Resolven Bowls Club.

Everyone who attended was honoured to see the Country’s top bowlers of all ages, showing off their skills and having a great time doing so, despite the incessant showery rain and drizzle.
Even under such wet and damp conditions the Resolven bowling green played very well and spectators were treated to some amazingly close competitive and accurately controlled bowling which was due in part to the hard work previously carried out on the green by various members particularly by Gareth Evans and the Groundsman Roy Gillespie with the cooperation of the Community Council.
Refreshments were provided throughout the day, with lunch included, all served by hard working volunteers.
The standard of play by the World class bowlers which local people rarely get a chance to see was extraordinarily entertaining and appreciated by Club members and all present. Many of those taking part will soon be representing Wales at the World Bowls Championships at The Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
The format for the tournament was 2 bowl triples with 6 groups of 4 teams (3 or 4 in each team) in a play off, and various points allocated throughout the 10 ends played.
After battling through strong competition the Winners of ‘The 91’ were Harlequins stars Jarrad Breen, Jack Davies and Ross Owen who you may have seen competing in the Commonwealth Games.

They were presented with the John Hopkins Memorial Trophy by RBC President, Hugh Lewis.

Runners-up were Ryan Thomas, Jamie Brown and Jon Tomlinson.

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It was decided and agreed by all concerned that due to the weather conditions that the final play-offs for ‘the plate’ would not be played, Instead, all 4 semi-finalists split the 1st and 2nd prize money. Seen Below receiving their cash from the hard working enthusiastic Organiser and Tournament Coordinator Mike Herbert are Ben Salmon on behalf of Dan Salmon’s team, Jasmine Staton on behalf of Martin Johnson’s team, Jon Williams on behalf of Robert Chisholm’s team and Rhys Colwill for his team.

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Congratulations and well done to all who weathered the conditions of the day.
The following are some photographs taken during the early rounds showing only a few of the many taking part over the day.

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Many prizes were donated and a raffle was held during the day of The Tournament which raised a total of £400 for Building Blocks Family Centre in Resolven.
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Photographs by Hugh Lewis and Natasha Williams
Retirement of Vale of Neath Practice Senior Partner
After 27 years as a GP in the Glynneath Surgery and the Vale of Neath Practice, Dr Paul Westwood retired on Monday 31st July 2023.
He states that from an early age he always wanted to become a GP but was also keen to see the wider world, and so, after completing his training and qualified as a GP, he spent 15 years as a Medical Officer, in the Royal Navy.
Looking back, he tells us that when he came to Glynneath surgery, he recalls his interview with Dr Thomas who was eager to say that they were going to have a new surgery, and smiling exclaims that it has only taken 24 years to get to this new Surgery which was opened to patients on 19th August 2019.

In his leaving speech, he thanked all the staff for their hard work, dedication and help during his time with the Practice, and. particularly during the Pandemic when everyone pulled together at such a difficult time. He remarked that he will, of course, find it strange not to attend the Surgery as it has become his ‘second home’ for the greater part of his working life and he will miss the close working relationship and the friendly camaraderie amongst the staff in the new Vale of Neath Medical Centre.

The photograph shows Dr Westwood (centre) and Practice Manager Alex Jones (extreme right), with some members of the Patient Participation Group (PPG), who were invited to attend, to say ‘Bon Voyage’ to Dr Westwood.
The PPG Chair, Carolyn Edwards, (third from left), on behalf of the PPG wished Dr Westwood all the best for the future and a very happy retirement.
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