St. David’s Day Greetings

Happy St David’s Day to all our readers
Image by Mike Davies
Happy St David’s Day to all our readers
Image by Mike Davies
Depending on cloud cover over our location you will see the big, bright, full moon of the winter season!
This full moon is known as the Full Snow Moon or the Full Hunger Moon. The moon rose near on Saturday morning- not to be missed. As always, I had everything ready and got the shot.
Mike Davies—RDN photographer
Photo by L Lewis
This image was taken at sunrise this morning over the vale of Neath 23/02/2021
RDN photographer Mike Davies
Cam Gears Table Tennis
Report by Gareth Evans
The club was enjoying a great run of success before Covid 19 arrived on the scene. The B team won the 2019/2020 Swansea and District Division 1 title and moved up to join their A team in the Premier Division.
Unfortunately, because of the virus, the 2020/2021 season was not able to start up. But the club, which also has two teams in Division 2 as well enthusiastic social players, carried on playing socially for a while. They carried out all the safety measures required but then came lockdown. No table tennis is being played at the moment. But as soon as clubs and social centres are allowed to open up, the club will start playing again socially, hoping the Swansea and District Leagues will be up and running by the start of the season in October.
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Pigeon Fancier
Report by Graham Harris.
“Last season was the worst I’ve ever had with racing pigeons. You could say the pigeons were in lockdown with us. Fanciers were not allowed to fly their birds across the English Channel. My birds are long distance racers so the shorter races in the UK didn’t suit them. It was like putting a horse that’s a sprinter over fences in National Hunt races… I had a really poor season. I’m hoping when this season starts in April, we won’t still be in lockdown. If we are, I won’t even be able to take the birds for training runs out of our area; I usually drive up to Ebbw Vale to release them.
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Resolven Cricket Club
Report by Richard Williams
We are desperate for players at the moment. Because of that, we had to pull out of the League in 2019.
We hope to be able to play “friendlies” this season, providing we are not in lockdown.
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Report by Benny Seymour(Chairman)
As well as no league games, we can’t even train now. At first it was on your own and then with one other. When we WERE training as a team we had to be in 3 groups in different parts of the field and we had to sanitise the rugby balls (maybe 15 of them) after every changeover among the groups, as well as taking the players’ temperature before the training started. I’ve even bought a fogging machine to sanitise the club building thoroughly. Even the police have said that what we are doing is amazing.
Nevertheless, I’ve locked the gates for the time being until the situation changes.
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Resolven Ladies’ Bowls Club
Report by Carwen Thomas ( Sec./treasurer)
Last year (2020) was a disappointing one for us. Outdoor bowls in Wales was cancelled and we were unable to play league games, county matches or internationals because of Covid 19. We have three regular county bowlers who play for West Glamorgan against some English and Welsh counties and since there were no matches, they were unable to progress in the game. We also have a club member (Ceri) who had a Welsh Trial in 2019 and has since be unable to proceed.
Carwen, our club secretary, was honoured to be nominated as President of West Glamorgan for the 2020 season, but Covid put a stop to her taking office. Unfortunately, because we recently had the news that outdoor bowls for league, county and intermationals have been cancelled again this year, the earliest she will be able to take up her post will be 2022
In the meantime, the most we can hope for this year is that our club green will be open, and that we will be able to play friendly games amongst ourselves, and possibly play club tournaments. (Of course, if we are allowed on the green, it will be under strict Covid regulations.
We look to the future (with fingers crossed) as our ladies are itching to get back on the green.
Continuing – Bowls in the Community of Resolven During Covid-19
Report by Hugh Lewis
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everything we do so keeping fit physically and mentally has been extremely difficult.
Normally, between May and September the Resolven bowling green would be used extensively by experienced bowlers and beginners, but last year we were unable to play against other clubs and any games or roll-ups had to take place observing strict observance of lockdown rules.
Also, none of the local and national competitions were able to be held in the pandemic year of 2020 and National/International tournaments have been now delayed until 2022. This has been a blow for many of our club members who compete at a high level in the game. Out of just under 30 male members playing home games at Resolven, there have been many successes, such as past Internationals, Richard Ace, Simon Williams and Andrew Hopkins.
County players and champions are too many to mention but as recently as 2019 the Welsh Finals at Llandrindod Wells saw Resolven being represented with the Open 4’s County Champions, Shaun Kelly, Gareth Evans, Mike Herbert and Nigel James and the Over 60’s Triples.
The Triples team of Spencer Evans (substitute for Randall Sims), John Fryer and Aylwin Jones went on to win the Welsh Title in 2019 against very tough opposition.
Many Resolven bowlers have also been successful at indoor bowling, Andrew Hopkins is a past Under 16 and Under 25 Welsh Champion and played in the WelshJunior and Senior sides. Simon Ace is a recent Welsh Indoor Singles Champion and played with Stephen Allen in the Senior Welsh Squad.
All of these indoor bowling successes would not have been possible if their interest had not been sparked and developed by playing on the Resolven Green and because of the restrictions these bowlers are unable to take part on a higher level of the sport.
Bowls is not known as a spectator sport, but if you enjoyed the ‘World Bowls Tour’ Championships recently televised and would like to try delivering a bowl, when we are able to begin again bowling, please contact your local bowls club.
Bowls is a sport that can be played from the age of 8 to 90+ and the Resolven Bowling Green has given great enjoyment and pleasure to many since 1932 in the Resolven Community and hopefully this will continue for many years to come.
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Sheila wishes to express her heartfelt and sincere thanks to all her friends and neighbours for the many kind expressions of sympathy, and for all the cards and flowers she received during her bereavement.
She also extends her grateful thanks to those who attended the funeral, and to everyone in the Resolven bowling community who came together to pay their respects to Roy. Bowling was a sport that Roy was so proud to be part of.
From RDN photographer Mike Davies
Like all of us, our RDN photographer Mike Davies is in lockdown. He can’t get out and about with his camera, but here are a few images from his vast collection to cheer us up
My twin brother Pat rang to tell me the Pontneathvaughan Falls were frozen over. I‘d only just recovered from a heart operation, so I was a bit worried about going up there, but my grandson Richard came with me and off we went. After a slippery walk, I finally got this picture.
I sent it to the surgeon who’d done my op. and he replied ” glad to see you are still ticking”
I have enjoyed photographing for RDN over the years, and I always look forward to the Resolven Carnival. It’s a real fun day as I meet up with old friends I went to school with, and now they have children themselves
I trust we can soon have those days again, including the Christmas Fayre.
Some of my pictures have stories attached. Like the day I turned up to cover the sad picture of the Gwyn Hall in Neath ablaze. I was in such a rush to get there, I arrived still wearing my bedroom slippers!
Then there was the day there were rumours about a whale on Aberavon beach. I thought someone was having a joke, but I had to get there to see for myself, and yes it was true.
This is taken on sad day– the last horse race at Pentreclwydau.
I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures of wildlife, quite often birds in my own garden like frequent visitor Woody the woodpecker
The day the Queen opened the new Swansea Leisure Centre there was another memorable picture-taking moment for me.
I’m on the far right of picture in navy jacket with white stripes (and camera at the ready) I started snapping away but when she got close into the lens, out ot of courtesy, I stopped filming and put the camera down only to my astonishment to be greeted by Her Majesty! She walked past the woman with the outstretched hand and held her hand out to me and shook it and asked me where was I from etc.— she was quite interested. We seemed to be chatting for a while. She told me it was lovely to be back in Swansea and that they were having lunch in the Brangwyn Hall. I wished them well and she replied, “You too. It was lovely to meet you”–a moment in my life I shall never forget, so it was worth waiting in that biting wind all those hours.”
By Mike Davies
The following is a poster from KEEP WALES SAFE
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Here’s a photo catch-up and “cheer us up” on some of the events we’ve enjoyed and activities that were part and parcel of our lives in the years before Covid 19. All back soon we hope!
CARNIVAL DAY! -thanks to the incredible efforts of the Resolven Events Group. Amazing!
RESOLVEN BOWLING GREEN OPEN DAY ( organised and run by the village bowls teams)
St. David’s Church Cream Tea
Following photos by RDN photographer Mike Davies
Happy days we hope to enjoy again soon