Another Report on the Duck Race
The Duck Race
After much deliberation as to where to hold this year’s Duck Race it was decided we would try Clydach Brook that runs through the village of Resolven. To get down to the stream was not as easy as previous duck race venues having to climb over the railings, shimmy across the ledge and then climb down the ladder by the water station but it was thought with it being more central, more people being able to come along and watch the fun. And it was fun, especially for those of us in the stream.
With the help of my nephew, Adam we set up the race course and the, all important, Duck Barrier – so we could ensure that no duck escaped. We positioned the final line several metres up stream for the duck barrier and in between the two we had many duck collectors ranging from the ages of 3 (nearly 4) to 59 (nearly 60) with carrier bags, nets and laundry baskets. Further up-stream Huw was strategically positioned on the blue bridge to launch the ducks. Then from the launch position to the winning line Chris and Adam covered the length of the race course ensuring that no ducks went astray or got stuck behind a stone. There were to be 4 races of 100 ducks each with the 1st five from each race going through to the final race. That would be 5 launches in total, however Huw must have lost count or thought that a trial final was needed before the Grand Final took place, so we had 6 duck races in total.
The winning ducks were 1st £30 Tracey Edwards
2nd £15 Brenda Wykes
3rd £5 Natalie Thomas
I would like to thank everyone who helped, those in the stream, those who sold tickets and bought a duck, Tracey for recording duck numbers, supporters and photographers. But a special thank you for my little helpers who made the capture of the ducks much easier than in previous years – Sonny Challoner, Myllie Jones, Marci Jones, Mei Gillespie and Lola Challoner. And for the record none of us fell in the stream and all ducks have been returned safely and resting for their next race.
With donations received the Parish raised £400.
Tnank you, Ruth Jones
Who won the Duck Race ?
Ruth Jones, the indefatigable organiser of the annual Duck Race on Clydach Brook in Resolven and her super- efficient assistant Tracey Edwards, took a good look at the list of contestants. There were 400 of them quacking on the starting line and Ruth’s husband Hugh Jones had the mammoth task of launching them from the blue bridge
Father Andrew and Co. kept pace with the ducks as they bobbed their way downstream- (all the proceeds from the race go to the Vale of Neath Parish )
The youngsters were hoping their ducks would be winners.. First prize was £30, second prize £15 and £5 for third duck over the line
Is that one mine?
The water level was low, so the contestants needed a little help from Chris Edwards in order to circumnavigate the stones and pebbles.
Chris described himself as “the duck poker” but assured me that no ducks were harmed during the race and the event was run along RSPCA guidelines!!!!
Ruth Jones and Mair Hambly had some terrific young catchers helping them scoop up the ducks at the finish.
Is this a mermaid in Clydach Brook? No! Team Jones is complete with daughter Sian getting”stuck in”
Father Andrew, Ruth and Mair were delighted with the sucess of the Duck Race. It rased £400 for the Vale of Neath Parish .
The winning duck owners were:
Tracey Edwards-1st Prize of £30, Brenda Wykes- 2nd Prize of £15. and Natalie Thomas- 3rd Prize of £5
Resolven Success at Welsh Finals
Since 1932 bowls has been played in the Resolven Park and there have been many successes over the years.
In 2019 Resolven Bowls Club was again very well represented in the West Glamorgan County finals recently held in Brynhyfryd BC, Neath.
Shaun ‘Ned’ Kelly won the 2 wood Singles County title for the second consecutive year.
After reaching the County Finals of the Over 60’s Triples, Aylwin Jones, John Fryer and Randall Sims, were eligible to play at Llandrindod Wells in August to represent West Glamorgan.

Lt to Rt: Aylwin Jones, Randall Sims, John Fryer & Spencer Evans
Unfortunately Randall Sims was not well enough to play in the Welsh Finals in August and Spencer Evans replaced him.
It was a winning combination again, as they played really well and won the three games to reach the Final.
This was a thrilling close game and they were encouraged by lots of support from Resolven BC members and their families who travelled to Llandrindod Wells to see the Final.

Photo’ taken during the Final
The opponents from the Vale of Glamorgan fought well and the score was very close all the way through the game, but on the penultimate end, Resolven scored three to lead by one, 19 shots to 18 and the successful result after 18 ends was 21-18 to Resolven, making them Welsh Champions of the Over 60’s Triples, a brilliant achievement for Resolven BC boys.

Presentation of the Cup by The Welsh Bowling Association President Mr Will James
Well done to Aylwin, John and Spencer not forgetting Randall who played in the West Glamorgan Rounds and at the County Finals at Brynhyfryd.
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Also from Resolven BC representing West Glamorgan in the Welsh Finals were the County Open 4’s Champions.
These photographs show the County Open 4’s Champions who then went on to play in the 2019 Welsh Bowling Association Finals in Llandrindod Wells.
They came up against a formidable Mid Glamorgan four who after winning that game and another, lost in the Semi Final by 1 shot to Mid Wales who went on to win the final 28 shots – 6 shots.
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Congratulations to all concerned.
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Article by Lorna & Hugh Lewis, RDN Team
Vale of Neath Medical Centre Open Day
The new Vale of Neath Medical Centre held an Open Day on the 14th of August, and our RDN photographer Mike Davies was there to take some pictures Mike joined members of the public who were given a tour of the building by a team from Swansea Bay University Health Board..
The entrance and waiting area for appointments with doctors
Rooms on ground floor
There is a lift, as well as stairs, to the first floor as Gill Francis from the Patient Participation Group pointed out to another Resolvenite, Margaret Arnold.
First floor rooms
Waiting area-first floor
Parking for about 70 cars -or get on your bike!
Thanks to Mike for the great pictures and the team who showed him around-Mel Jones, Sarah Antonio and Teresa Stonehouse from Prmary Care, Swansea Bay Health Board
Opening Day for the Vale of Neath Medical Centre is Monday the 19th of August
Information about the Relocation of The Vale of Neath Practice
Information about the Relocation of
The Vale of Neath Practice
The Vale of Neath Practice is moving to the premises shown in the above photograph and will be open on
Monday 19th August 2019.
The Surgery is located within the new health centre.
The full address is:
Vale of Neath Medical Centre, Glynneath Road, Glynneath, SA11 5AT
Telephone No: 01639 509050
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The Practice Patient Participation Group in conjunction with the Health Board has been working to secure a patient car transport service in association with DANSA to help with transport to the new site.
The table below shows Pick Up times and Locations.
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Information Supplied by Vale of Neath Practice, PPG & Health Board
Photographs by Hugh Lewis, RDN Team
Sunflowers Return to Rhossili
A few images of the sunflowers at Rhossili— Aug 2nd 2019
Mike Davies RDN photographer