V.E. Day Celebrations in Resolven – 8 May 2020

All of the colourful and patriotic bunting, photographs  and various memorabilia displayed around Resolven on the 75th anniversary of V.E. Day in 2020 gave a feeling of pride mixed with sadness while remembering a past generation of the village to which we owe so  much.

It also gave us some joy and hope and a reason to celebrate for a short time, in these strangest of times.



Vaughan Avenue

Vaughan Avenue celebrations with neighbours whilst social distancing at least 2 metres apart.


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The following photographs taken around the village were sent in to am@resolvendistrictnews.co.uk  by KARA THOMAS

Photographs of the Celebration of V.E. Day in Resolven 25 years ago.











Our grateful thanks to you, Kara Thomas for your contribution to Resolven District News.

Our e-mail address is am@resolvendistrictnews.co.uk

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