Resolven Welfare Hall Newsletter
It’s been all things fundraising at the Miners Welfare Hall again since Christmas. The trustees have been searching relentlessly for funding to restore the old building to its former glory and in the meantime have been raising money for immediate repairs so the place can stay open for use by the community.Our very own RESOLVEN YOUNG PERFORMERS were back at the Welfare on January 26th with a show to raise funds for the scheme.
With their usual flair and commitment, they performed a show to be proud of and donated £243 to the restoration scheme. RYP are a friendly, welcoming group who – under the watchful eye of Christina James and her team – Chris Edwards, Charlotte Edwards, and Carri Davies – not only encourage youngsters to perform on stage but encourage confidence and team work. Along with performing the older more experienced members help teach the ‘babies’ and newcomers and all ages mix as equals.
The Miners Welfare thank them for their efforts and hope to see them again very soon
February 2nd brought a Chinese Auction to the hall. Following the one at the Church Hall which was a great success we asked for donations of items from the village and the generosity was astounding. Items came in thick and fast and were well supported.
Volunteers who helped with the Chinese auction Beverley Healey and Glenda Keane
Tea and cakes were on offer and the auction itself was great fun and some bargains were had – some people were luckier than others and there was nobody luckier than Shannon Chambers who went home loaded with her successful bids. Anyone who has been to a Chinese auction in the Church Hall will know what its all about and those who are left wondering what it entails please try your luck in the next one Resolven holds, either in the Church Hall or the Welfare Hall. You won’t be disappointed.
The Welfare Hall has had the good fortune to have BBC Wales show an interest in our social club and in the endeavours of the trustees who are trying to save the building for our future. To give them a chance to see how we provide entertainment to our members a showcase event was held on February 8th . with Owen Money and Mandy Starr as guest judges and Darren Bromham Nichols making up the trio. The stage was set for a variety show that was worthy of a performance upstairs in the now closed theatre. Acts came mostly from the village itself with a few extras from the locality and the added bonus of Mandy Starr singing like a nightingale and Owen Money making us laugh .

Owen and Mandy

Mandy onstage

Cubs and beavers
The always reliable and entertaining RYP opened the show with a mix of music and dance from previous shows and the audience were immediately excited making Christina James tearfully proud once again . Resolven based XCLUSIVE dance troop led by Caryn Pritchard were next with a performance that was breathtaking for its beauty and its daring with lifts that had the audience holding their breath. Resolven girls Chloe and Elise Addiscot brought their ARTS ACADEMY to the Welfare from Glynneath and gave a professional performance both singing and dancing to cheers from the crowds. One thing these 3 acts had in common was Carlie Harris who danced and sang with all 3 groups. Her talent and her energy know no bounds !
Soloists LIBBY HERBERT and CHRIS DAVIES were in fine song as was duo ANNA AND JAKE who although they are new to Resolven feel part of the ‘family’ already .CLASSIC & CO have played on this stage before and didn’t fail to rock the crowd. Welfare regulars, WHITEFERN MOUNTAIN STRING BAND played blue grass to the delight of the audience

Whitefern Mountain Band
.The unlikely named INDONESIAN ARCHITECTS are the Welfare based ukulele and guitar band of musicians who meet every Thursday at the Welfare Hall for practice if anyone wants to join or learn how to play. This is a social gathering of local musicians who love to play along in a group and new members are welcome to come along.
Last but not least a special mention must go to JOSH SIMS (who also performed with RYP) AND KIERON SIMS for their outstanding presenting that oozed glamour and wit including a song written and performed by themselves that left the audience weak with laughter and will no doubt be talked about for many years .

Josh and Keiron

Josh and Keiron with BBC researcher
All this was put together by Matthew Young and his team –Dean, Sian, Mark and Kieron – and everyone was impressed with their efforts. The three judges were there to comment rather than chose a winner and I do believe Resolven surprised them with this variety show .
As an added bonus our friends from Bryn Terrace had finished their sponsored dry January and slimming challenge and they came on the night to present a cheque for £505.00— icing on the cake to a fabulous evening and more funds for the restoration project !

Bryn Terrace
Watch this space for the latest newsletter from the trustees and for news of the Welfare being shown on BBC Wales in the coming months .

Trustee Chairman Greg Williams–REPORT by DIANE SIMS