Get your Jab! 18 to 39 year-olds
– Covid Vaccine Newsletter from Swansea Bay University Health Board
There’s been a huge amount in the news about the proposed end of Covid restrictions in England later this month. But any changes to restrictions in Wales will be decided and announced by the Welsh Government next week.
Many of us are eager for things to finally get back to normal, but we can’t forget that cases of the Delta variant, now the dominant strain in Wales, continue to rise.
This week the Welsh Government’s chief scientific advisor for health, Dr Rob Orford, described the situation as a race between the growth of the Delta variant and the vaccines – which will determine how soon we can “live with Covid”.
He said vaccine uptake will make a big difference going forward and urged young people in particular to “grab the opportunity” of getting jabbed to protect themselves and others, despite the lower risk of being seriously ill.
So, as we have been doing for the last few weeks, we will be offering people aged 18 to 39 the chance to get their first dose Pfizer vaccine at drop-in sessions over three consecutive weekends at the Bay Field Hospital Mass Vaccination Centre.

First dose drop-in sessions Our next scheduled Pfizer first dose drop ins for ages 18 to 39 at the Bay Field Hospital MVC are listed below. Please note:
. Bring photo ID such as a passport or driving licence if you have it. Or proof of name and address such as a bank statement or utility bill.
. If you are part of our homeless or migrant communities and don’t have identification or proof of address don’t worry. We will still vaccinate you and put measures in place for you to have your second dose.
. Temporary residents including temporary workers, students and those staying in the area to care for a loved one ARE able to attend our drop-in sessions. But you will need to register with a GP in the Neath Port Talbot or Swansea area within 14 days as we would need to notify them of your first dose and that is how your second dose appointment will be generated.
. If you live within the Swansea or Neath Port Talbot county boundary but are registered with a GP under Powys Teaching Health Board OR Hywel Dda Health Board you ARE able to access our drop-in sessions – just bring proof of address.
. Please adhere to social distancing guidance at the venue.
. Saturday, July 17th – Time: 9am – 7.40pm.
. Sunday, July 18th – Time: 10am – 6pm.
. Saturday, July 24th – Time: 9am – 7.40pm.
. Sunday, July 25th – Time: 10am – 6pm
. Saturday, July 31st – Time: 10am – 6pm.
. Sunday, August 1st – Time: 10am – 6pm.
Bay Field Hospital, also known as the old Ford factory, near Amazon on Fabian Way, SA1 8QB.
From junction 42 of the M4 – head south on A483 Fabian Way. Turn right at roundabout and bear left onto Ffordd Amazon. The Bay Field Hospital is signposted. You will pass Amazon on the left. The Bay Field Hospital is next left.
From Swansea head north on the A483 Fabian Way and turn left at the large yellow sign for Corner Park garage (there is a smaller red sign for the Bay Field Hospital). Bear left and proceed onto Ffordd Amazon. Continue for half a mile or so and the Bay Field Hospital will be on your right.
New number for Bay Field Hospital bus The First Cymru bus which runs from Swansea city centre bus station to the field hospital has become part of Service 9A for Fabian Way Park & Ride. It is still a FREE service. The bus was previously number 51.
Service 9A runs from bay D in the bus station to Bay Field Hospital every 20 minutes from 7.25am to 8pm, Monday to Saturday.