Chinese Auction
Chinese Auction
30 October 2018
On a bright but cold autumn afternoon in late October, St David’s Church Hall held their annual Chinese Auction event.
This ‘fun’ afternoon is now in its 4th year and has become very successful for one and all.
The ‘Chinese Auction’ at Resolven was first thought about by a couple of enterprising church members. These ladies travelled to Longford Community Hall in Neath to see first hand how a Chinese Auction works.
They then brought their ideas back to Resolven and the result is a day that members, friends and family, particularly children, look forward to every year.
The £2 entrance fee included refreshments and the auction tickets were available in different colours, £1 for a strip of 5.

Auction Tickets

Father Andrew announcing the serving of refreshments

Items with some auction tickets included

The Draw
The previously bought two tickets with the same colour and number were separated and one placed on an item of choice.
The tickets were then drawn for that item, and the person who had the corresponding number won the item.

The Draw
There were all kinds of everyday items to choose from, including household gifts, ornaments, crockery, toys, jewellery and even a rail of clothing, in fact, a little something for everyone.
Judging by the crowds present, it has clearly become a social afternoon, a fun get together, an easy going enjoyable occasion and a wonderful way to boost the Church Restoration Funds while bringing local people together.
Finally the Chinese Auction Day raised the grand total of £440. All proceeds will be added to the Church Restoration Fund.
Report by Lorna & Hugh Lewis (RDN Team)