Resolven Bowls 2023 END OF SEASON REPORT
The very busy 2023 outdoor bowling season has just ended and since the RDN reports on the County Successes for Resolven Bowlers, much has occurred.

During the ‘91’ Resolven BC Tournament £400 was raised for the Building Blocks Family Centre in Resolven and Simon Ace, Secretary of RBC is seen in the picture, presenting the cheque to a smiling Chloe Edwards.
Resolven Bowls Club won the Cwmtawe (Swansea Valley) League, (a midweek triples league) when they played their final match against Pontardawe BC. RBC only lost one game throughout the season making this the first time the club has won this league since joining it about 8 years ago

In the same week Resolven BC were also triumphant when they played Cymmer BC in the Final of the ‘Cam Gears Triples’ Tournament run by the Neath & District League on a neutral green at Briton Ferry.

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Also Club Tournaments have been highly contested throughout the season, culminating in a Finals night and BBQ held at the Resolven green.
The finalists schedule with provisional timings was organised as follows:-
Ladies 2 wood 6pm Rink 3 – Marker Carwen Thomas
Natasha Williams v Ceri Holmes

The previous day, as previously reported, the 4 wood Ladies Club Championship Final was between mother and daughter, Carwen Thomas and Ceri Holmes with Ceri being the victor.

Continuing on the Finals night – Cam Gears Pairs 4pm Rink 2
Adrian Bradley & Aylwin Jones v Mike Herbert & Aeron Humphreys

Cam Gears Singles 4.30pm Rink 5 – Marker Gareth Evans
Nigel Davies v Stephen Allen

Resolven 3 Wood 6.45pm Rink 4 – Marker Sean ‘Ned’ Kelly
Andrew Hopkins v Stephen Allen

RBC Championship 6.45pm Rink 5 – Marker Hugh Lewis
Mike Herbert v Lionel Stock

Young lads Jacob and Kody wanted to get in on the act of bowling, looked after by Helen Hopkins and Janice Day and viewed, for future selection, by Nigel James (RBC Capt.) and Shaun Kelly (RBC Selector).

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To enable the Resolven bowling green to be used extensively during the summer, the large ‘flat’ area of grass has to be expertly prepared and maintained throughout the year. At the end of the season and after expert advice, the heavy work immediately began . The following photographs show volunteer club members working on the green, with the cooperation of the Resolven Community Council.

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Hopefully the fruits of their labour will be enjoyed and appreciated by all who use the green during the 2024 summer season.
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Neath Great Fair 2023

Neath September Fair is the oldest in Wales and the 4th oldest in Britain. We at Resolven District News have been featuring the event every year in words and with pictures.
Our RDN photographer Mike Davies covered the event brilliantly. Sadly, Mike is no longer with us, but this year his talented daughter Ruth, continued the family tradition and visited the Fair for us.
This is her report

These are my father’s good friends,. the baby wear stall holders outside the market. My dad met up with them and took a picture every year for 15 years. They didn’t know he had passed away.

Haven’t really been anywhere since Dad, so it’s been an epic day.
I really had a good time

Resolfen History Society October Meeting

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Resolfen History Society Annual Meeting Report
Resolfen History Society kicked off, with an annual meeting at the Church Hall on Monday 11th September. Annual meetings are not usually well attended for obvious reasons, though it is encouraging to note that attendance was slightly up on last year. Luckily, with minor adjustments the committee is still intact and eager to get on with this year’s activities including monthly history lectures and a 40th anniversary celebration around St David’s Day.
Over the summer many people had made enquiries as to whether the Society was still functioning, and their intention to attend when hearing the affirmative. As was stated last year when the Society struggled to get into first gear after Covid19, it is your Society and if you want it to get into second gear then please come and attend its meetings. The membership, is a bargain at £10, attend four meetings and you are literally in pocket. We have a full programme for the coming months but we need an audience. As David Woosnam, the re-elected Chair noted, “use it or lose it!”
Trefor Jones
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Wind Farm Fund

Meet with Age Alliance Wales
Meet with Age Alliance Wales
Age Alliance Wales, an alliance of 26 national voluntary organisations committed to working together to improve the lives of older people, is running a series of community-based engagement events across Wales. Members include Age Cymru, Care and Repair Cymru, Age Connects Wales, Cymru Versus Arthritis, RNIB, Stroke Association, Royal Voluntary Service, MS Society, Deafblind Cymru, Cruse Bereavement Care, Carers Wales, Parkinson’s UK Cymru, Volunteering Matters, Action For Elders and Alzheimer’s Society Wales.
On 12th September 2023 we’ll be visiting St Anges Church, Neath, Port Talbot, between 9:30am and 1:30pm. If you would like to pop in to find out more about the work of our members and the services and opportunities they provide between those times, you’d be most welcome.

Resolven Ladies Bowls Club Finals
It was a mother and daughter 4 woods Final for 2 years in a row on the Resolven Green this week . Last year , Club sec. and treasurer Carwyn Thomas met duaghter Ceri Holmes for the honour of being Club Champion and emerged as the winner.
This year all to play for !

The 2 Woods Final was played along with all the men’s club Finals on Friday. There was a barbecue and plenty of supporters for both the men and women.

Also well done Natasha on getting to the Final and only losing by 1 shot to Ceri in the 4 woods semi too.

It has been quite a year for Ceri-winning both Club Trophies and playing for Wales
Many congratulations