A Sad Farewell to Mike Davies
It is with great sadness that we report the untimely passing on Wednesday the 24th May of Mike Davies, our Resolven District News photographer. He was 79.

Mike was a great friend and a valued and talented long time member of our RDN website team.
He was such a special and gifted photographer who hailed originally from Abergarwed, a small community which is a short distance from Resolven.
Mike and his twin brother Patrick along with their Dad became well known as part of the popular and locally successful Vernon Davies band in the 1960’s/70’s.

Mike always felt a strong connection with Resolven but was always proud to call himself an Abergarwed boy and one of the Abergarwed twins.

One of the twins’ earliest recollections and association with Resolven was performing and playing their instruments at just 13 years of age in a local dance held in the Vivian Hall.

From the start of Resolven District News, Mike shared his gifts as a great photographer with us but his images were often seen on our television screens too during the News weather forecasts, as well as in countless other areas where he was successful and admired for his great skills with a camera. He captured the life of a community for the future with his amazing coverage of Neath Town events over many years. But luckily for us, he was also Mike Davies Resolven District News photographer.

The following scenes and images are a small selection of Mike’s unique ability and skill for capturing and bringing to the screen the natural world at its very best.

















Mike was a keen member of the ‘Cloud Appreciation Society’




How fortunate we were to be able to write “images by RDN photographer Mike Davies” in edition after edition of RDN

He was one of life’s gentlemen with a pleasant smile and cheeky manner and will be sadly missed by all who knew him and especially those who admired and enjoyed his special talent.
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Anita, Hugh & Lorna
{RDN Team}
Our deepest sympathy goes to Mike’s Family at this sad time.
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