Resolven History Society Meeting

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Please find below and the proposed Traffic Management Plans and timing of works for the closure of the A465 between Glynneath and Rhigos by the Future Valley Construction Team.
The current planned dates are the weekend of Friday 13th to Monday 16th January 2023.
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A festive afternoon was held at Jerusalem Vestry recently when three ladies of ‘Merched’ arranged and served a delicious Christmas Tea. All attended thoroughly enjoyed the occasion, unfortunately several members were not able to attend due to illness and other commitments, so the ladies kindly prepared ‘take-away trays for those members to enjoy at home.
All present were given a goodie-bag of chocolate treats to remind them of an afternoon well spent in good company, lovely food and special surroundings.
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The Fayre, an annual treat for the village, organised by Resolven Community Events Group was well attended last Saturday. Everyone caught the Christmas Spirit. There was even a singalong with the village Indonesian Architects Ukulele Band. People were spolit for choice with the stalls. There were Christmas tree decorations, Christmas wreaths, body shop products, hand-made items and delicious home mades cakes and pastries from Ynsfach WI. There were also hot turkey and stuffing rolls, hotdogs, mince pies and warm hot chocolate, tea, coffee and mulled wine.
A lovely community start to Christmas.