Accepting COVID

I have an anxious problem
And it’s worrying you see
I can’t think past the dreaded COVID
For the life that once suited me

It’s been like a strange horror story
And it’s not over yet
Time is getting more precious each day
The older and wiser I get

I must start thinking positively
But it’s hard when I look around
With social distancing and isolation
And face masks on the ground

But the cavalry is coming
Boris has told us that soon it will be here
The toot of the bugle is sounding in the distance
But call it a vaccine, if you prefer

I want to be an optimist
But being pessimistic is more my style
But hope always springs eternal
And time will surely tell, in a while

We all want this to be over
We all want to see this come to an end
But Lets hope it’s sooner rather than later
Because life is given only as a lend

So in the end we must think past COVID
It’s vital for the life that lets us be free
But the when, where, how and why?
Must be left to the Powers that be!!

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 ‘Arthur Rose’


13 November 2020

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